A little Dickerson’s winter humor.

Maybe winter is getting too long or maybe I’ve spent too much time trying to think of creative ideas for Facebook. One day as I was in the resort store riding my bike I looked out and thought, “we should do something with the canoe!” ‘Something’ would not be easy as the canoe is on […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort The sunset 2-24-2013

Today while I was out waiting to take sunset pictures I walked down the beach to the north. When I got to the jungle gym in front of cabin #7, look what I found! There is beach showing under the jungle gym while 15 feet away there is a 6 foot high snow drift!On with […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort The Sunset 2-23-13

We’ve had many cloudy days here at the resort which means we don’t always get a picture of the sunset. Today was very unusual. The sky looked kind of stormy and mysterious-kind of like it should be Halloween. We zoomed in to take another picture of the sunset. It makes the colors more vivid and […]

A fun winter activity

It’s not all work and no play at the resort. In the winter, I am part of the quilting group at our church which meets every Thursday afternoon. We make quilts to give to all of the graduating seniors, guilts for hospice, fire victims, the womens shelter and many go to the poor and starving […]

Relaxing on a cold, blustery day at the lake

Sometimes, in the middle of the winter when you’ve had just about as much blowing snow as you can stand, you just need to take a break. That is just what Sasha and I did.  We picked the spot on the floor right next to the furnace register. The cats and I can never be […]

Valentines Dinner in cabin #12

The Wine We invited all of our neighbors on the east side of Lake Florida and a couple of other friends to a Valentines Dinner. We told the guests we would make a big pot of chile and drink lots of wine. It was time to check the wine supply. As you can see below, […]

A snowy winter at Lake Florida

The snow and the drifts Today we are going to take you on a picture tour of the resort. We are having a Valentine Dinner in cabin #12 so we need to get some paths blown so we can get there! It only takes an inch or 2 of snow whirling around the cabins to […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort – winter continues

It’s February 1st, 2013 and it still looks alot like winter at the resort. Today, we have frost on the dining room window looking east. iT’s a beautiful day at the lake (as far as winter weather goes!) and the fishermen are excitied to be out. It seems the ice houses get larger every year. […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort sunset? 1-28-13

Yesterday, Sunday we didn’t have a sunset to show. Today was a very gray/white dayalso. Not much hope of a sunset, but I told Bob I had to show you something! I heard the weatherman say that visibility in the Willmar area was .22 miles. I thought -I can show you what we can’t see! […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort 1-26-13 The moon & the sunset

  What a great day we had today looking at the sky over the resort. When I went out to get the newspaper the moon was high in the western sky across Lake Florida. By the time I gathered the camera and tripod it was in just about the perfect postition before it would go […]