This could be the last sunset at the resort this spring with ice on the lake. The warm temperatures continue and the wind keeps breaking the ice apart where it has cracks. Notice the reflection in the open water.
The Lake Florida Sky 3-11-12
Today is the first day after turning our clocks ahead which means we have to adjust our thinking for getting pictures of the sunset. 🙂 At 5:46 Bob looked out and told me I’d better just go snap a picture because it probably isn’t going to get any better than this with all of the […]
Dickerson’s Resort sunset 3-9-12
The clouds and sunset started out very dark on Friday night. In the end we had blues and pinks! In just a couple of days we will have sunset times of 7:15. Not sure we’re looking forward to that quite yet. The resort season is quickly coming upon us and I haven’t done everything I […]
The Sunset at Lake Florida 2-12-12
Sunday was another busy day. It was our day to work in the church office/welcome center so left home at 7:15 a.m. It was 6 degrees below zero!Ă‚Â The youth of Calvary Lutheran Church had a brunch to raise funds for their youth gathering this summer. After church we were off to our obligatory stop […]
2-9-12 The Lake Florida sunset
The plan for today is to go to the top of our neighbor’s (Al & Lilas’s) hill and get shots of the sunset. Some of you have been there many years ago. I have lived here for 30 years and have never been to the top of the hill! Just to be safe, we started […]
Lake Florida Sunset 2-8-12
I told you we were going in search of new sunset spots and yesterday we did. At 5:20 we left and went through the Environmental Learning Center the back way. Bob thought we should go to the Westby Observatory, but the sun was still too bright. Interesting what a difference the location can make. When […]
The sunset at Lake Florida February 6, 2012
At 5:15 when I looked out the window the sun was so bright I couldn’t look at it. Bob came home with a pizza which distracted me and I almost ended up missing the sunset! The sunset was beautiful and did you notice, it’s 5:30 when it sets rather than 4:30! Spring is just around […]
The Ice & the Beach at Lake Florida
It’s been an interesting winter in the ice department. While most lakes have had very thin, bad ice Lake Florida has had good ice the entire winter for the fishermen and ice skaters. It has been a different story for the resort owners! The ice has been pushing and moving the sand up towards the […]
Sunset on 1-28-12 at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort
We’ve had way too many days with the clouds covering the sun as it was going down. On the 28th we finally got the chance to snap a couple of pictures. I waited as the sun came down and out from under the clouds hoping the clouds wouldn’t close in! 6 minutes later the sun […]