March 16, 2016 Lake Florida Ice Off?

As we look out our kitchen window this morning, we see the guys shingling cabin #1 and the ice crushing on Lake Florida. The ice has gotten very dark and thin. Now with the wind blowing it is breaking up, crushing onto itself and melting.We pray that the wind doesn’t get any stronger or the […]

The Lake Florida sunset on March 15

I always have a hard time choosing which sunset pictures to show you, so today I’m using 8 pictures. It will give you the full effect from beginning to the end.

First sunset in February at Lake Florida

January was a bad month for sunset viewing at Lake Florida. We had many days when it looked like we were going to get a picture and at the last minute clouds moved in at the horizon and we were left with nothing. February started out great!   Here’s to another 28 days of sunshine […]

Your cabin at Dickerson’s Resort

It’s January, the beach and resort are closed and the cold weather and wind are here with a vengeance! Thankfully, we have many great pictures and warm memories to help us through these cold days. Warm, sunny days are just around a few corners! In a few short months we will have beautiful sunsets with […]

Lake Florida sunset 4-5-14

The sunset tonight was extra beautiful! Here are 3 pictures for you to enjoy! The clouds hung down as though they wanted to be just like the tree branches! We’d love to share the sunsets with you at Lake Florida. Take time now to make your reservation at Dickerson’s Resort.  

Cabin #11 gets new shingles

2 years ago the resort was hit by a very bad storm in May. This spring we are getting new shingles and steel siding on the cabins. Cabin # 11 is the first to be shingled. Justin Gronseth and his helper John used sheets of plywood against the cabin to make sure we didn’t also […]

Sunset at Dickerson’s Resort 3-25-14

Only 1 picture of the sunset at Dickerson’s Resort to show you tonight. We got the shot just as the sun was about to disappear behind the trees on the west side of Lake Florida.

Sunset at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort – 3-24-14

The sunset at Lake Florida was beautiful again tonight! It started out a creamy yellow and soft orange. It changed to yellow orange and pink – and the sky at the finish was pink and blue. We hope you got a chance to see it in person! Check out more beautiful sunsets!  

Chile Fest Fundraiser

March 21st we had a fun time away from the resort. We went to the First ever Chile Fest Fundraiser for the Willmar Area Food Shelf. 8 or 9 different groups made a pot of chile. We each got 4 tickets to taste the chile and put a ticket in the ones we liked the […]

A little paint for cabin #9

Today was the day to do a little painting in cabin #9. I painted around all of the doors and windows to make it easier after the doors are put in and the casings on-I hope!