Airplanes, knives and lures – oh my!

11-13-16 This morning we went to our church, Calvary Lutheran in Willmar. When we got home we put on our dirty clothes one more time, took the radio to cabin #5 and listened to the Minnesota Vikings loose (starting to sound like a broken record!) while we removed the lakeside deck of cabin #5. Sasha […]

It’s time to remove cabin #5 deck

11-11-2016 Our task today is to start removing the walkway on the south side of cabin #5. Keith and Travis will continue with other things. Now that Bob has the top boards off, Keith made short work of the project with his sawz-all! While all of the activity was going on at the cabin, Connie […]

The carpenters are coming!

11-10-2016 Bob and I have been having fun taking cabin #5 apart, but there is other fall work to be finished too. The bottom kitchen cupboards are one of the things remaining. Last night Keith Collins from Collins Construction called and said they would be here Thursday at 7:00 a.m.We are excited and thankful! Today […]

The destruction of cabin 5 continues – one piece of wood at a time

11-9-2016 Today we are going to tackle the wood on the living room ceiling and walls in cabin #5. Now that the wood is off of the wall I can just push the sheet rock out! We gave Bob the job of disconnecting the water heater. The end of another great day of cabin destruction!

We’re off the the landfill!

11-7-2016 On Saturday we took our load of carpet pad and sheet rock to the landfill, but it was closed. We were so disappointed as it would have been so cleansing to get rid of it! Our job first thing this morning was to head back to the landfill and empty it so that we […]

It’s time to roll up the carpet in cabin #5!

11-6-16 It’s time to roll up the living room carpet in cabin #5. Now we remember why we put the carpeting in years ago!  There was some rot in the floor that Bob fixed and then of course we had to cover it up! The ceiling tile have been removed (that was a dusty job) […]

November 3 – the cabin destruction continues

All of the carpeting has been taken out of the cabin bedrooms and look at the linoleum we found in the master bedroom. One of the most fun challenges is to see how large a piece of sheet rock you can remove! Destroying walls can be fun too!

Locating the water line at cabin #5

One of the most important things we needed to do on Wednesday was to locate the water line. Right now the electrical lines are attached to a 4×4 on the cabin. We need to move them while we take the roof off and build the walls. We’re getting a pole from Kandi Power Co-op and […]

Lake Florida sunset & loons on April 5, 2016

One of the things we love most about spring is having all of the wildlife return, especially the loons! There were many clouds, but in the end we were treated to a pretty sky. You just never know until it’s over how pretty the sunset will be! 🙂

Lake Florida sunset March 28

Lake Florida is calm and life is good! This is such a peaceful way to end our day. 🙂