Lake Florida Sunset 1-2-2012

Welcome to the first beautiful sunset of 2012. We had winds of up to 50 mph the last couple of days. It sounded like 16 freight trains coming by! Today was cold-only a high of 18 degrees, but the weatherman says 40 degrees by Thursday. Still no snow to speak of. Last night we were […]

Lake Forida sunset 8-14-11

  It’s been another beautiful day at Lake Florida. The families have been busy swimming, fishing, relaxing, etc and now the sun is setting at 8:19.             It’s 8:36-the campfire is ready and the sun is almost gone. Time for s’mores and conversation!

Sunset on July 9th, 2011

Sunset at 9:04 Sunset at 9:08 Just a couple of pictures of the sunset on July 9th. We have had some beautiful sunsets – I don’t always get the pictures!

Lake Florida Entertainment

Meet Tessa. Tessa is 9 years old and stays at Dickerson’s Resort with her mom, dad and brother Eric. Tessa is a shopper! After checking in on  Saturday and having fun, she came to the store to shop. One of the things she bought was a small notebook. On Monday night after the pizza party […]

Projects & fun at the resort

  Today was the day to wash the skylight in cabin #6. These is easily done by using  a ladder to get on the roof of cabin #5 and then stretching to step up to the roof of cabin #6. It’s much more fun and exciting than it looks! 🙂   This is the view […]

Wednesday, June 1st Sunset

  After another big day of work we had a great sunset at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort. The weather is looking good-can summer be far away?

Saturday Night Sunset

  Saturday night the sunset was different. It was different because we had guests here to watch it with us and snapping pictures of their own! How fun is that!   After the rain on Friday, Saturday turned out to be a pretty good day. Some of the guests were fishing, swimming (brrr), kayaking and […]

Wednesday, May 25th – Sunset

  The sunset on Wednesday night was beautiful-again!   Owning a resort is allot of work, but we are just so lucky to live on the east side and get to see these beautiful sunsets almost every night.

Thursday night sunset at Dickerson’s Resort

  As I was watching the sky around 8:15 I thought “no way we’ll have anything to take a picture of at the resort tonight.” Then Bob came in to get the camera and we got these pictures of the sunset!

Meet our guests!

Cabin #4 at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort has been the vacation home of Chris since 1995. Chris was 4 years old the first time he and his family came in 1995. Chris was adopted from Nazca, Peru. Fishing, swimming and reading are some of the things Chris enjoys on vacation. Chris’s favorite foods are cheeseburgers […]