The sunset on 2-1-12 in Willmar

We had to leave the resort at 4:00 to do some errands and by at church by 5:30 to help with confirmation. Of course tat meant we wouldn’t be able to get our usual sunset picture from the resort. We took the camera along and hoped we would be somewhere with the sunset visible at […]

Sunset on 1-28-12 at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort

We’ve had way too many days with the clouds covering the sun as it was going down. On the 28th we finally got the chance to snap a couple of pictures. I waited as the sun came down and out from under the clouds hoping the clouds wouldn’t close in! 6 minutes later the sun […]

Fun at WinterFest in Spicer, MN

Spicer, Minnesota and the Willmar Lakes Area are not just a summer destination. January and February bring on new activities which celebrate the snow, cold and ice. Spicer comes alive each winter with WinterFest. As seen in the Minneapolis Star Tribune this past Sunday: Quick trip  spicer, mn     At WinterFest in Spicer, MN this coming […]

Sunday Sunset at Dickerson’s Resort

What a beautiful day we had again today! The wind was a little raw this morning, but even that got better as the temperature climbed. In the afternoon Bob’s cousin’s son and his 2 little boys came out to ice fish. I think the little boys had a better time going to visit great great […]

1-13 Sunset at Dickerson’s Resort

Another perfect end to the day! Nothing Friday the 13th about this!

Sunset 1-12-12 at Dickerson’s Resort

Thursday was a very cold and windy day. Not the kind of day I want to be outside taking pictures, but Bob braved the cold and wind and got pictures of the sunset for us. Can’t believe how much it can change in 5 minutes! It’s just like the cardinals- you have to look quick […]

A friend at Dickerson’s Resort 1-12-12

Thursday was a very exciting day. We usually have a male & female cardinal here in the winter, but this year we haven’t seen them. The male finally showed up! He was back at least 5 times throughout the day. They never stay long though. Hoping to see the female sometime soon. Of course they […]

Sunset at Lake Florida January 10, 2012

The sunset was spectacular again on Tuesday night. This is our first picture taken from the top of the well house building at the south end of the resort The second picture is the same location, but zoomed in to get the sun. This picture was taken from our usual spot on top of the […]

Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort 1-9-12

Once again, the moon has been fascinating to watch as it gets full. It’s beautiful as it comes up over the east side of the resort in the afternoon or evening hours. You always have to be aware of the moon as it’s time and location are not as dependable as the sun! 🙂 It […]

Lake Florida sunset Jan. 3,2012

Tuesday night we had another beautiful sunset at Lake Florida. It is quite a challenge to take some of these pictures with all of the boats and lifts stacked on the beach shoreline. Sometimes we feel like Billy in the Family Circus cartoon as we climb onto a stack of docks, hold onto the canopy […]