Sunrise on 3-15-12

This morning as we were listening to the radio they said that the sunrise was in the drivers eyes – I decided to head to the top of the hill to see! As I was coming around the corner, there it was. When I got to the top of the hill, it looked like this […]

Lake Florida Sunset 3-13-12

For tonight’s sunset I walked down the beach to the south of the resort to check out some of the spots I had seen on Sunday. I stopped first at this split rail fence. The sun is still a little too bright. Found this lonely chair just waiting for someone to come with a cushion […]

Dickerson’s Sunset 3-12-12

The sunset on March 12th – another gorgeous one!

The Lake Florida Sky 3-11-12

Today is the first day after turning our clocks ahead which means we have to adjust our thinking for getting pictures of the sunset. 🙂 At 5:46 Bob looked out and told me I’d better just go snap a picture because it probably isn’t going to get any better than this with all of the […]

Dickerson’s Resort sunset 3-9-12

The clouds and sunset started out very dark on Friday night. In the end we had blues and pinks! In just a couple of days we will have sunset times of 7:15. Not sure we’re looking forward to that quite yet. The resort season is quickly coming upon us and I haven’t done everything I […]

Lake Florida Sunset 3-8-12

Well, this is it. Another beautiful Lake Florida sunset taken in front of cabin #6!  As they say – a picture is worth 1000 words!

Fun at the Calvary Youth Auction

We’re so busy at church on Sunday’s during the winter it’s hard to imagine how we get by without being there in the summer. Sunday was another one of those days. We left at 8:20 as the choir sang at the 9:00 service. At 10:00 we were “in charge” of the 6th grade Sunday school […]

Lake Florida Sunset 3-5-12

Out for a walk around the resort I found this beautiful drift at cabin #7. It is curling over and just about ready to drop off! Unique drift at cabin #7 Another beautiful sunset at the resort on Monday night. Here it is from beginning to end. One of the Adirondack swings is on the […]

A day away from the resort

Yesterday morning I asked Bob what we should have for lunch. He said, “I thought we were going to St. Cloud to pick up our order and go to the boat show?” So, off we went! Our first stop was Fleet Farm to make a couple of returns. While there we ran into Cheryl, a […]

2-18-12 The Lake Florida Sunset

Saturday was a long awaited day. I went to Hutchinson to meet my longtime friend Jan and her mom Loretta. Jan & I have been friends since kindergarten (and that wasn’t yesterday! 🙂 ) Once again God came through at the end of the day and gave us another beautiful sunset at Lake Florida. This […]