Snow again-that’s Minnesota!

Two days ago, April 17th, we had boat races on Lake Florida and today the boats are on “ice dock” The sand beach which was so visble is now covered with snow. The weatherman predicted cold and snow and he was right. We are very thankful-we only received about 6 inches rather than the 12 […]

Boat races on Lake Florida

4-17-13 It has been a truly long winter at the resort and in all of Minnesota. Today we had a glimmer of hope as there was about 6 feet of open water at the edge of the beach of Lake Florida! We decided it was time for boat races! Bob got a yellow and an […]

4-15-13 The sunset

Sunset We just love living at Lake Florida and being able to watch all of the beautiful sunsets! Here’s another one that turned out better than we expected! Should be a good day at the resort tomorrow with a beautiful sunset like that – don’t you think?

Another Minnesota Snowy day!

4-11-2013 Mother Nature seems to have have played a late April Fools joke on us. Yesterday, all of the sidewalks and some of the resort lawn were clear of snow – today we have this! This flock of birds arrived this morning and are having a feeding frenzy. They weren’t expecting this weather either! Simon […]

Simon looking for summer!

It has been a long winter. Simon and Sasha are just as tired of the snow as we are! We keep telling them “it won’t be long and summer will be here along with all our our wonderful resort friends. We hope we’re right!

April 4 – the Lake Florida sunset

It took 4 days in April, but we finally got a sunset that we could see. We think it was worth waiting for. How about you?  

The last sunset in March

It’s the last day of March and we had a beautiful sunset!   Wondering what April will be like at the resort?  

Coffee on the deck of cabin #7

Oh what a beautiful morning at the resort! The sun was shining and the temperature was above 32 degrees. Aside from all of the snow, it was a beautiful day to have our coffee break on the deck of cabin #7! Wonder where we will have coffee tomorrow? We have 12 other cabins to choose […]

3-28-13 Bob broke his shovel

The snow All I can think is that winter must be over because Bob broke  his scoop shovel handle. This may be a problem if you look at all of the snow around him! I’m sure he has another one in the storage building at the north end of the resort!The day ended with a […]

Recycling, lunch and the sunset

On Tuesday, March 26th, Bob loaded up all of the aluminum to go to the recycling and inticed me to go with him by offering to buy lunch! We left the resort  for Windy Hill which just happens to be down the road from the Pilgrim Inn at Regal. Windy Hill is a place where […]