5-6-13 The Ice hangs on

We hoped when we woke up this morning that the ice would be gone from Lake Florida, but no, it is hanging on yet another day! It is very interesting with the fog. The reflections of the clouds in the open water are almost as beautiful as the sunsets-don’t you think? We were lucky again […]

5-5-13 The Ice stays on!

In 2012 the ice left Lake Florida on the 18th of March. 2013 is a whole different story. It is now May 5th and Lake Florida still has ice! This morning we had so much fog with the ice you couldn’t see across the lake. 🙁 The beach is still there and it is great […]

A Majestic Resort Visitor

Today Bob looked out our kitchen window and there was an Eagle sitting on the Adirondack swing in front of cabin #7! We’ve never had one that close to us at the resort! Very cool!  

Only in Minnesota!

Today is one of those days when we say “only in Minnesota!” It’s May 3rd and we still have ice on Lake Florida which is highly unusual. All around the resort there are still remnants of snow drifts. We are raking the lawn around the snow drifts! Simon and Sasha love having us outside with […]

The last April sunset

Tonight was the last sunset in April at Dickerson’s Resort. We had to wait until the very end, but it was worth it. The crack in the Lake Florida ice shows hope for an ice off soon-we think! 🙂  

Signs of summer

There are many ways  it starts to look and feel like the vacation season is around the corner. The days are getting longer, the temperatures are warmer and play equipment starts arriving at the resort! Today we brought the hydro bikes home from storage. Summer can’t be far away now! The hydro bikes will be […]

Lake Forida sunset April 27

The sunset We don’t remember what the day was like at the resort, but the sunset was beautiful! A sunset is such a beautiful, calm way to end the day. We’d love to share our sunsets with you at Dickerson’s Lake Florida Resort. Make your reservations today!  

Another beautiful sunset

It was a busy day at the resort. We had some things that needed to be taken out of cabin #13. We loaded glass, some windows that the repair man can use the mechanisms from, a couple of garbage containers and miscellaneous recycling into the pickup and sent Bob off to Willmar to get rid […]

A new project at Dickerson’s

Today is an exciting day. Magnuson Sheet Metal showed up to do a project for us. They are a Heating & Air Conditioning Company! Lauren & Ben came to start the installation of a furnace and air conditioning in cabin #13. This will be a welcome addition to our resort! Of course, this would have […]

Earth Day Celebration at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center

It’s Earth Week and Prairie Woods Environmental Learnng Center which is right next to the resort held it’s annual celebration on Saturday. The day started with pancakes and sausages served by Tripolis Church in Kandiyohi. There were many exibits, fun crafts to do, educational seminars and of course the climbing wall. There was a great […]