A day at Dickerson’s Resort-June 13th

  On Monday morning when I was brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror opposite the window and I saw a big snapping turtle making its way to the water. It had probably recently finished laying its eggs which will hatch in about 91 days if no other animals dig them up and destroy […]

Sunset at Dickerson’s Resort June 11th

  These pictures of the sunset were all so beautiful I just had to show you all of them! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Come join us in a cabin at Dickerson’s Resort and see the sunsets in yourself!

Lake Florida sunset-June 8th

  If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I guess I don’t need to say anything. Perfect end to a great day at Lake Florida!

Mia writes a song

We’d like you to meet Mia. Mia is going to be 7 in October. She has been coming to Lake Florida with her mom, brother Ben and grandma Judy (sometimes grandpa Harold) all her life. Today she wrote us a song/poem. We’d like to share it with all of you.   Where the grass is […]

Building a cabin bench

  About 20 years ago (seems like yesterday) we built benches on the cabin decks. Some of them have started to rot and need to be replaced. Here’s a new project for Bob. For the first ones he was the helper. Now he gets to be in charge.   Bob took the old bench apart […]

Sunset on Thursday June 2,2011

It’s been a few days since we have posted a sunset picture. Life has gotten very busy and sometimes I’m just too tired to do one more thing at the end of the day. But like the little girl in the Proex commercial, the pictures are still in the computer just waiting to be shown. […]

Fun on Memorial Weekend

  What a great Memorial Day Weekend we had! We had nice guests and the weather was better than we expected. DeeAnn was here with her daughter Birhane who is from Ethiopia. What a little cutie! They were joined by DeeAnn’s parents from Goodhue, MN. DeeAnn and Birhane had a good time together in the […]

Saturday Night Sunset

  Saturday night the sunset was different. It was different because we had guests here to watch it with us and snapping pictures of their own! How fun is that!   After the rain on Friday, Saturday turned out to be a pretty good day. Some of the guests were fishing, swimming (brrr), kayaking and […]

Wednesday, May 25th – Sunset

  The sunset on Wednesday night was beautiful-again!   Owning a resort is allot of work, but we are just so lucky to live on the east side and get to see these beautiful sunsets almost every night.

The end of a perfect day!

What a beautiful day we had at Dickerson’s Resort! Such a contrast to yesterday’s cold drizzle and cloudy weather. This is Minnesota-it changes often! When we came home from church there were 3 messages waiting for us about cabin rentals. We worked on the beach and planted a few flower boxes. Our first guest of […]