Let’s put the dock in!

The ice went off Lake Florida yesterday so today’s first project is to put the gas dock in. Because the sand is pushed up so much it is going to be a challenge, but we are up to it!


Putting the dock in


Simon reading the level for Bob


View of the dock from the south with resort


View of dock and Bob from the store


It's 11:00 and the dock is in!

Just so you know, Bob didn’t do all of that work by himself. The 2 of us did it, but he had the waders on so I ran around between putting in the sections and took the pictures.

Once we had the dock in we hooked up the lake pump and started watering trees. I looked at cabin #1 deck and realized it needed a good scrubbing so got a good start on that. At 5:00 we had thunder, lightning and rain. It was wonderful!

cleaning deck

Cleaning the deck at cabin #1

What a great day!