Here’s what we’ve been up to.

Bob disconnecting #5 sink
Bob disconnecting cabin #5 kitchen sink
Cabin #5 counter top

Old counter top in cabin #5

Here’s a look at some of the things that happened at the resort last week.


A couple of weeks ago we decided to put new counter tops in cabins #2 & #5. We received some really nice counter tops from friends who were getting new, that if cut precisely would work in cabin #2 and it did.


Cabin #5 was a different story. The cupboards were built many years ago by Bob’s father and are a little bit deeper than standard cupboards today. This means a standard counter top will not fit. We went to Counter Tops Plus in Willmar and Chad just happened to have a top that had been there awhile and was just what we needed! He gave us a good deal to take it rather than ordering something. Bill and Kathy our cabinet builders were with us. Bill & Chad figured out how to make it work. Bill gave Chad the measurements for everything and away we went.


Last Monday Bob called Bill to tell him we were ready whenever it was convenient for him and they came that afternoon. It was a beautiful day and we were able to cut the sink holes outside saving some clean up in the cabins.


While raking by cabin #11 I noticed that the trunk of the tree which had been cut down many years ago was ready to be dug out. The location made it impossible to get a stump grinder in there so we had cut it level with the ground and waited for it to rot. As you can see we had more than 6 tools so it was an official project. We got the wood out, filled it with dirt, planted seed and are waiting for nice grass. Some warm weather would help. 🙂


Last fall when we had the “Minnesota Hurricane”  we had many pieces of wood from dock sections float in. Bob took apart one dock section to get the brackets off which were fine but the wood was broken. Lots of raking and seeding. The weather is less than cooperative. We are glad we aren’t farmers.

Cabin #5 new counter top

New counter top in cabin #5

Bob, Kathy & Bill at cabin #5

Working on cabin #5 counter top

Cabin #2 old counter top

Cabin #2 old counter

Bill & Kathy cutting sink hole

Bill & Kathy cutting the sink hole

Bob securring outlet

Bob replacing outlet in #2

hanging the microwave

Takes 3 to hang the microwave!

Bill fitting the kitchen sink

Bill fitting the kitchen sink

cabin #2 new counter top

Cabin #2 new counter top

Bob digging out stump

Bob using ice chisel to destroy tree stump

digging out tree stump

 Connie using flat bar to dig out tree stump at cabin #11


#11 tree stump finished and seeded

cabin #11 hole filled and seeded

Bob working on dock section

Bob taking apart dock section