The Lake Florida Sky 3-11-12

Today is the first day after turning our clocks ahead which means we have to adjust our thinking for getting pictures of the sunset. 🙂 At 5:46 Bob looked out and told me I’d better just go snap a picture because it probably isn’t going to get any better than this with all of the clouds.

Lake Florida sky

Lake Florida sky at 5:46

I determined that it was going to get better and thought that if I walked south I would get a different perspective which might be interesting. Bob had just taken out the cheese, crackers and beef sticks. It is our anniversary, so he packed me a little zip lock of goodies and sent me on my way. (Did I mention that it is our anniversary?) 🙂

I went to our neighbor’s, the Moulton’s to start my picture taking. The clouds to the south were so beautiful and dramatic.

southern sky

Southern sky at 6:11

I walked a little north and found this nice split rail fence which I should have found weeks earlier when the sun was farther south. Maybe I will still be able to get it into a real sunset picture yet this winter. Stay tuned!

southern sky with clouds

southern sky with split rail fence 6:14

sunset at cabin #8

A glimpse of sunset from cabin #8

I walked back to the resort and caught this glimpse of light as I was going past cabin #8. I thought you might like to see where the docks spend the winter.

The sky is changing and I’m beginning to see some blue – this could get good yet!


The sunset at 7:13

As I looked back to the point I saw this break in the clouds.

sky at 6:21

The western sky at 7:21

God came through in the end with a beautiful sky with pinks and blues.

pink & blue sunset

The end of the sunset at 7:33

We are really looking forward to seeing the sun over the open water!